Classical LiteratureNEW COURSE: A Great Cloud of Witnesses: The First Three Centuries of the Church with EusebiusRead More
Higher EducationDiversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Classical Education?The DEI movement is neither “classical,” in that it promotes values that are contrary to traditional Western civilization, nor “Christian,” in that it is necessarilyRead More
Classical LiteratureClassical PedagogyHigher EducationWhat Hath Classical Education To Do With AI, Part II: CurriculumBy Joshua Pauling In Part 1 of this series, I briefly laid out how classical education, in its assessment and pedagogy, is ready to handleRead More
Cultural EventsA Vision for Student Life at New AberdeenDr. Ryan Smith Diligent study. Pursuit of Christ. Service to others. But what else can you expect as a student at New Aberdeen? A vibrantRead More
Classical PedagogyOn Teaching and Learning Classical Languages: A Reformation of Reason and MethodMr. Carter Ehnis, M.A. Last year, I began rereading the works of C.S. Lewis. As I worked through Surprised by Joy, I came upon theRead More
Classical LiteratureGreat BooksThe OresteiaOur own Dr. Brian Phillips is a recent featured guest on CiRCE Institute’s Overdue Classics podcast. In his discussion of The Oresteia, he argues thatRead More
Classical PedagogyTheologyMinistry Preparation at New Aberdeen“None of these benefits of a classical education are more basic to ministry in the Church than the graces and gifts of Christ. But theyRead More
Classical PedagogyCultural EventsWhat Hath Classical Education To Do With AI, Part 1: Assessment and PedagogyBy Josh Pauling, Guest Contributor In the summer of 2024, Open AI, a leading company in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), released its latestRead More
Classical LiteratureGreat BooksCherish and Endure: The Comic Vision of Flannery O’ConnorClick here to access the lecture and discussion. By 1964, Southern American writer Flannery O’Connor was nearing the end of her battle with lupus, theRead More
Classical LiteratureGreat BooksAugustine’s City of GodAugustine’s seminal work, The City of God, exposes the reason for classical pagan civilization’s downfall.Read More
Classical PedagogyMusic’s Role in Classical Christian Education: A Summaryby Ryan Smith, D.M.A. How much does your classical Christian community instill the art of music in its students? Historically, music has held a highRead More
Higher EducationTheologyLoving Christ With All Our Minds: A Call for an Educational ReformationWhen educators intentionally omit God from the classroom for the alleged purpose of moral neutrality, another organizing principle and telos will necessarily fill the resultingRead More
Classical PedagogyDitch the Majors and Find Your Passion at New AberdeenBy Ryan F. Smith, D.M.A. Want to listen to this article instead of reading? Click here to access our new podcast version. This article isRead More